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Here's How To Get In The Media And Use
"AS SEEN ON..." In All Of Your Marketing And Bring Your Business Into Sharp Focus...
We are constantly searching for professionals just like you who we can cite in the national media. All you have to do is register and we will immediately review your application. If it is accepted we will explain how you can get GUARANTEED MEDIA PLACEMENT FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS...
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As soon as you register we’ll jump on things and show you how you can get guaranteed news coverage that will allow you to stand out as a trusted and credible professional.
Here's What National News Coverage |
Just imagine what it would be like to have the following...
We've Made It As Easy As Possible |
Getting quoted in the major news networks was more or less impossible before RecommendExperts came along. Now you can be cited in the media and use those famous 3 words, "AS SEEN ON..."
Our Contact Network Gets You Noticed...
RecommendedExperts was setup with one thing in mind... to use our news contacts and experience to make it affordable for small professional firms and experts to get the kind of media authority that allows their prospective market to choose them above their competition.
Website Visitors, People In The Street And Even Passing Traffic Will All Take A Closer Look...
They say, "a picture is worth a thousand words...", but we say, " 'As Seen On...' next to the logos of the major news networks is worth thousands". And the reason we say that is those three words and logos make people stop on your website, stick to your advertising and make people take the first step to find out more.
Because credibility is everything RecommendedExpert will only ever be able to cite one expert across the four major news networks from the same service sector and area name.
That's why we highly recommend you register your interest now before it's too late...
Get The Type Of Media Authority That |
Here's what will happen when you apply to be placed in the major news networks by RecommendedExpert.biz...
Be The One They Choose!
- Click the 'REGISTER ME!' button and fill in your application if one of our field reporters hasn't already contacted you.
- We will run 2 simple checks. First we will look to see if you have any negative reviews online. Your negative review ratio needs to be lower than 1 in 5. Second we will check our database to see if any professionals from the same service sector and area name, have already been placed in the major media by us.
- Assuming both checks come back clean we will add you to one of our upcoming announcements which will allow you to get a GUARANTEED PLACEMENT in all four of the major news networks as one of our nominated RecommendExperts.
- Once you've been cited in 'the majors' we'll also give you a PRIORITY recommendation when the public enquire about professionals like you via RecommendedExpert.
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We value your privacy and would never spam you
As soon as you register we’ll jump on things and show you how you can get guaranteed news coverage that will allow you to stand out as a trusted and credible professional.